Apply for Membership

As a Helena Association of REALTORS® member, you’ll gain access to exclusive benefits designed to help you thrive in real estate. Enjoy networking events to connect with industry professionals, stay current on trends, and grow your business. Take advantage of educational resources like training programs and webinars to sharpen your skills and stay competitive. We’re here to support your success and are proud to have you in our community.

If you have a Montana salesperson, broker, or appraiser license, join as a REALTOR® member. By doing so, you’ll also be joining the Montana Association of REALTORS® and National Association of REALTORS®.

Become a Realtor® Member

If you do not hold a Montana salesperson, broker, or appraiser license, join as an affiliate member. Affiliate members are individuals or companies that provide products or services related to the real estate industry.

Become An Affiliate Member


photo of adult learners in a classroom

Professional Development

photo of adults at a fundraising event

Networking Opportunities

photo of a committee meeting

Committee Involvement

photo of group of adults

Leadership Opportunities

photo of award winners

Member Awards & Recognition

photo of adults standing in the capitol building


photo of volunteers at a Habitat for Humanity build

Community Involvement

a book with a magnifying glass focused on the word ethics

Code of Ethics Enforcement